Barely Mortal

Tell Your Story

Posts for Tag: poetry

My Life as the Father of the Devil: Chapter 2

Viral Magic

“Fenrir, I’m home,” Em called excitedly as we made our way into the house. The heavy sound of paws padding against the floor made their way down the hall as Fenrir trotted into the room. Running directly up to Ember he looked on expectantly for a nice rub behind the ears. She knelt in front of him, doing just that as she spoke to him like an infant, “Who’s a good boy, Fenrir? You are. Aren’t you?”

Smiling, she patted his head once more before heading toward her bedroom to change out of her school clothes and undoubtedly leave her things everywhere for me to pick up later. Raising an eyebrow I grinned at Fenrir, mocking the voice she had used, “Who’s the best little doggo in the whole wide world? Is it you?”

Fire sparked in his eyes as he glared back at me, snarling quietly, “Let’s get one thing clear… You ever talk to me like that again I will tear out your insides and make you watch as I eat you alive.”

“Such a scary, wittle pupper,” I laughed, setting my bag on the counter. Reaching toward the ceiling I attempted to stretch out the series of knots I had developed throughout the day; finding my arms would only extend halfway.

“Looks like you took quite the beating,” Fenrir remarked, trotting into the kitchen after me.

“Four demons tracked down her school today. The closer it gets to her birthday…”

Ember entered the kitchen, the fluorescent kitchen light seemingly bending about her as she moved. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and she was wearing her favorite shirt, a Childish Gambino ‘Camp’ tee.

“I can only feel her power growing,” Fenrir said to me, Ember oblivious to his words. “With every day it threatens to break free, refusing to be contained. When her birthday comes…”

“I know,” I whispered solemnly, staring at the floor.

“You say something, Dad,” Ember asked. Concern flickered in her smile as she watched me closely.

“Just talking to myself,” I did my best to flash her a reassuring smile that she wasn’t buying.

“You don’t look so good. Is something wrong?”


“Well if it isn’t my favorite people,” Baldur’s voice boomed as he entered the kitchen, taking in the lot of us.

“Hey Uncle B,” Em replied with her signature smile. Her golden eyes however still glanced over toward me like she knew I was hiding something from her.

“How was school today, little star,” Baldur asked, hoisting her in a massive hug.

“It was fine,” She choked through the breath being smothered from her body. “That was when certain, overprotective parents weren’t harassing any boy that so much as dared to talk to me.”

Setting her down, Baldur turned to me, his face aghast with mock surprise, “No? Don’t tell me your father would be caught lurking about your school?”

“Yes, what a shocker,” Fenrir chimed in for me and Baldur to hear. Em of course was unable to hear him thanks to whatever plot device prohibited my having to explain why a dog could speak. Something about having to know he was actually an ancient Norse god to be able to hear him.

“You know, one of these days you’re gonna have to let me fly free of the nest, Dad?” Em, crossed her arms as Baldur stood near her nodding like he wasn’t aware of why I was so protective.

“Yes, and when the day comes you sprout wings and start flying I will find a way to accept it. Until them, I’m pretty sure you have at least some homework you’re supposed to be doing.”

Sighing dramatically she turned down the hallway, tossing her hair behind her, “Cause that’s going to be tonight’s greatest challenge.”

“Doesn’t matter if it’s easy, you still have to do it,” I called after her as she vanished into her room. Every day she didn’t just grow toward the potential some prophecy decreed… every day she grew to be more like her mother. Strong, determined, full of raw, powerful life. Her mother burned so brightly the stars would have been jealous of her. There was no doubt Ember was destined to do that and more.

“Looks like you took quite the whoopin’ today,” Baldur remarked, interrupting my internal monologue.

“Yes I did. I’m also so grateful to have you and Fenrir here to point that out. Not to mention having you be all Mr. “Yeah, can’t believe your dad is lurking about’.”

“That bad huh?” The smirk had fallen from Baldur’s face, concern lingering in its stead.

“Guess so. They’re finding her so much easier these days…”

“It will be alright, Deagan. I’ve seen enough out of you to know you won’t let anything happen to that girl.”

Rubbing my outstandingly sore neck, I muttered more to myself than them, “Well, it may not be up to me.” Stretching my shoulders I looked at the clock. Fifteen till eight. Better get a move on.

“Well as fun as our talks always are... “ I took a step back slowly exiting the room, “If I’m going to stick to the goal I set, then I’ve got an hour to get the first blog post done.”

“Ah yes, you’re parenting blog about what it’s like being a single dad,” Fenrir nodded, as I prepped for the latest spew of sarcasm that was sure to follow. “From changing diapers, packing lunches, performing seances to ward off demons that want to destroy your daughter’s human flesh and baptize her in the flames of hell.”

There it is.

“Who are you writing this for? You do plenty of pointless, dare I say, stupid things; but what do you plan on achieving? Even if people believed you were raising the literal incarnation of evil, how do you think they would react?”

Having spent all day prepared to defend my choice to start writing about my experiences, I shot back, “That’s all irrelevant. I don’t expect anyone to believe my story. Most likely if anyone reads it they will think little more of it than a fictional web series, disguised in the form of parenting blog. Hopefully an interesting one.” I’m a good enough writer to be entertaining, right? Once again though, besides the point,” I continued. “Because it’s highly unlikely that anyone will read my little post. It’ll be just another story swallowed up by the enormous ocean that is Tumblr.

The Next Day

“Three thousand, five hundred and forty two notes. After just one night…”

Rubbing my forehead I stared at the computer screen in utter disbelief as I watched the numbers slowly rise. “Fenrir is never going to let me live this down.”

“I’m sure it’s not that bad, boss. So what if a few people checked out your blog? Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”

I looked up from my seat at the bar to find Scott, Jade Coffee’s award winning barista, clichely using a washcloth to wipe down a glass as he spoke. *Side note for those wondering how I maintain income whilst running around fighting demons all day… See Jade Coffee. Proudly founded and run by yours truly. Well, overseen by me and run by my talented crew such as Scottie boy here. Jade Coffee is the best coffee in all of Fayetteville! Even if our earnings compared to Heartbeat Avenue, might say otherwise.*

“Yeah, I guess on one hand it’s cool my post has garnered such attention after just a few hours, but that’s not really what I wanted when I posted it. I just wanted to write down what I was going through, not share it with the whole world.”

Scott raised his eyebrow curiously at me, continuing to wipe the surely clean glass. “Then why did you put it on social media?”

I cracked my knuckles instinctively as I shot him a defensive glare, “You’ve been talking to Fenrir haven’t you?”

“Nah, it just seems pretty self evident that if you post something on Tumblr, chances are people might read it.”

“I get the concept. I just didn’t expect people to start reading it so quickly.”

Setting the glass aside, Scott rested his hands on the counter, the maple counter sparking to life with red and orange hues as rose petals drifted from his lips, “It’s going to be alright Deagan. In the end, I think you’ll find that this is what you wanted to come from this. Just another success to your already impressive resume.”

Narrowing my eyes, I leaned back in my chair, “You just tried to charm me didn’t you? I can’t believe you actually tried to use magic on me.”

“We’ve been over this, it’s not magic,” Scott rolled his eyes as he stepped away from the counter.

“Magic, demon aura, tomato, potato. There’s no difference when it comes to an Infirmus.”


“A demon by the name of Chadwick called me that yesterday.”

“I’ve never met a demon named Chadwick…”

“Yeah he hated the name. Point is,” folding my arms over one another I tapped my fingers against my satchel, “You know better than to try and use your powers on me. Need I break out Tyr’s hand?”

“Please don’t,” Scott covered his mouth, fighting back the urge to gag. “I helped spread the black plague, and yet I’ve still never seen anything as disgusting as that hand.”

“It’s not that bad.”

“It really, really is.”

As I’m sure you’ve gathered by now, my main man and barista, Scott, is in fact a demon. Why would the man who spends his days fighting these hellborn bastards employ one? Well, to be completely transparent… because he makes one damn good cup of coffee.

While it is true that most demons are cunning, evil monsters, whose sole purpose is to corrupt humanity; they are a rare few who don’t really buy in to Satan’s agenda. Or at least get bored with it. Choosing instead to pursue their own lives disguised as normal people, living a normal existence. Scott is one such demon. So we have came to an arrangement. He works at my shop, his mastery of desire and lust, allowing him to make some unbelievably delicious coffee. He refrains from any ‘evil’ activity, primarily hunting down my daughter. In return I refrain from bashing his chest in with my gauntlet. Scott gets to lead a human life without being murdered, and I get a tasty drink and a boost to my business. So, win win all around. Besides, if he ever decides to return to his legion of hell ways…

“Monologuing again, huh?” Scott asks, pouring me another mocha.

“No, I wasn’t as a matter of fact. Neither did I ask for another drink.”

“Well, not aloud,” Scott shrugged, placing the mug in front of me.

I tried to resist, but could only hold out a long three and a half seconds before I took a sip of the drink, muttering under my breath. “Stupid demon with your stupid reading my desires.”


It has been a week since I posted for the first time on this little blog here, and honestly I’m still reeling from the early success of it. From the amount of notes, to the debates in the comments about either the validity of the story, to simply details of the world that is my life. (Fiction or not.) I am even more surprised by the amount of request for me to post again and shed light on some of the questions you guys have. I promise I’ll do my best to slowly get around to all the questions while also revealing new events as they happen. Which brings me to my own question, how to even continue this?

Looking up from my computer I glanced about the living room, which at its core, had changed little from the day it was first moved into. The furniture, royal blue with silver stitching had been a surprise by Autumn, when we first moved into the house not long after getting married. Knowing how much I loved, blues, silvers, and pinks; she had themed the house accordingly. Smiling to myself, I closed my eyes to catch a brief glimpse of her hazel ones. Just like Em’s they had always sparked with gold specks, seemingly full of life as they danced upon the iris as if they might burst free and take flight.

With a deep breath I fought back the wave of memories that would certainly overwhelm me. We will save that plummet for another day. Turning back to my keyboard, I stretched my fingers, cracking my knuckles. “Alright, let’s do this.”

Three and a half hours later….

“Brain, why do you hate me?” I groaned in frustration, softly but dramatically banging my head against the desk again and again. Come you can do this! You wrote twenty eight pages for the first post. What’s a few more?

Inhaling deeply I allowed my fingers to hover above the keyboard for the four hundredth time that night. Okay, let’s do…

A loud crash came from the just outside the house, a monstrous roar following. Oh thank god. Leaping from my chair I snatched Tyr’s hand and raced toward the backyard. If I had to choose between demon fighting and staring at the computer screen any longer; then I was about to start bashing in hellspawn heads with my monitor.

Closing the sliding glass door behind me I stalked quietly across the grass. Just ahead I could make out a shadow, hidden by the darkest staring out toward the road. “About time you decided to check out the disturbance,” Fenrir’s voice growled as the shadow turned to me, revealing Fenrir’s icy blue eyes as they reflected in the porch light.

Drawing beside him I gripped the skeletal hand, ready to summon the gauntlet. Fenrir’s fur stood on its ends. His paws dug into the dirt defensively, claws ready to fight. I would never in a million years admit it to him, but even in his “domestic” form, Fenrir could be pretty intimidating when he wanted to be.

“I came out as soon as I heard the crash.”

“It took the thing trying to bash its way through the protective barriers for you to sense the threat? Typical,” Fenrir huffed.

“Typical of what?”

“You,” he snarled, baring his teeth. “Too distracted by your stupid, little vanity blog to show any kind of awareness.”

Tightening my fist, I shouted much louder than intended, “It’s not a vanity blog. Or stupid! For the last time it’s just an outlet for what I’m going through!!!!!”

Another crash echoed my words as again the protective barrier around the house was struck with enough force to level any human structure. Falling silent I looked ahead into the night, talking softly this time, “Guess we can be grateful for the unlikely coincidence of a stormy night, tonight.”

Fenrir nodded in agreement, “Yeah, it’ll drown you out enough to keep you from annoying the neighbors. I only wish the thunder was loud enough I couldn’t hear you.”

Crossing my arms, I glared down at him, “You really are an asshole aren’t you?”

“Maybe so, but I’m the asshole keeping that thing from coming for your daughter.”

“Yeah, whatever…. Thanks.” Looking back ahead I sighed, “So what is it anyway? It packs a heavier punch than most demons I’ve seen.”

“Oh it’s not a demon,” Fenrir remarked, raising his head toward me. “Take a look.”

Touching my hand against his snout, my body jolted back as I felt my eyes shift, the world changing with it as I gained Fenrir’s enhanced sight. Peering through the darkness I could make out the shape of it, standing in the neighbors yard. “Is that a horse?”

Fenrir cackled to himself, “That’s not just any horse there, buddy. That right there is the white horse of the apocalypse. The one your baby girl is supposed to ride upon as she conquers the world. According to Revelations 6:2, anyhow.”

Pulling my hand from Fenrir, my normal sight returned as I narrowed my eyes in the general direction of where the horse stood, “You have got to be kidding me? As if I don’t have enough evil spirits to keep away from her. How did it even find our house? More importantly,” I turned to him curiously, “Since when are you capable of quoting bible verses?”

“It’s called prep and research. I know you and Baldy have never been fond of the concept, but I like to know what I’m dealing with when I take a quest. Besides, I probably know more about what the ‘good book’ says than most christians. Don’t forget I watched my people be slaughtered and forced to abandon their beliefs in favor of christian invaders.”

For a moment there was something rare in Fenrir’s eyes. Sadness, loss, centuries of watching the world pass him and his people bye. Fenrir was an ass to me. However, I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him.

“Anyway,” Fenrir huffed, sniffing the air, “He smells tasty, and I haven’t had horse in awhile.”

“You are not going to eat him,” I replied, concealing a grin. “What would you do with a whole horse? Besides, I have a feeling that eating an apocalyptic horse might be bad for your health.”

“Maybe so. Want me to run him off at least?”

“No, just keep an eye on him till morning. We will deal with whatever we have to then.”

Reaching down I scratched behind Fenrir’s ears, watching him struggle to keep from wagging his tail. Like any dog he loved pets and scratches, but being him, he was way too prideful to admit it. “Good night Fen,” I said before turning away and heading to bed. He was silent as I left, but when it came to us I knew the lack of sarcasm meant more than he could say.


“Well, it looks like our hoofed friend is here to stay.” Standing in the driveway the next morning, Fenrir and I looked across the road as Mr. Selph, our neighbor, stood in his backyard. He was smiling while brushing the horse’s bleached mane. Noticing our eyes on him, he waved at me, “Morning Deagan.”

“Mr. Selph,” I replied, returning the wave. “Got yourself a new house pet?”

Letting out a hearty laugh he shouted back, “Yeah I think he’ll be able to curl up at the end of my bed just fine!”

“What um… Why the horse?”

“I don’t know,” He shouted with a shrug as the horse whinnied happily next to him. “I just woke up this morning with the random urge to buy a horse. Always loved them when I was a young boy. Figured an old man might as well spend his time with things that’ll bring him joy!”

“Yeah I get that,” I replied, scratching the back of my head. “But are you sure this doesn’t break our homeowners agreement? Or you know… a city ordinance? Animal rights?”

Taking a puff from his tobacco pipe, he blew a smoke ring as he shook his head. “Those were my initial concerns, but apparently I have exactly enough room on my land and the right conditions to keep him. Hell, you only need six hundred and sixty six square yards according to city hall. Which I have precisely if you can believe it.”

“Oh I can believe it,” I muttered more to myself. Wishing Mr. Selph a good day I turned back to Fenrir. “Well guess this is a new part of life now.”

“My offer still stands to eat him.”

“You are not eating an old man’s horse! Besides,” I looked back across the street, making eye contact with the massive beast. “I don’t think he is a threat to us or Em. For now at least. Until he is, we give him the same benefit of the doubt as we give Ember.”

Fenrir shook his head as I headed for the house, “You and your giving people chances. You know not everyone deserves that luxury, right?”

“Yeah well that’s what everyone would say about Em and look at her. Anyway we don’t have time for anything else. Me and you have a date with your flea bath.”

“As if,” Fenrir laughed coldly, stopping in his tracks when I kept moving forward. “Wait, you were joking right? Cause if you even attempt to put me in that tub I will do to you what I did to Tyr.”


My Life as the Father of the Devil: Chapter 1

Who You’re Gonna Be

Let me be clear; I love being a dad. Sure, it can be tough sometimes. Especially being the single father of a fifteen year old who is like, ‘totally in love with the cute ginger named Chad.’ Or whatever stereotypical white boy name goes with his polo shirt and I’m going to guess... salmon colored shorts that don’t go past his knees?

Anyways, back to what I was saying. Being a dad, like anything in life, has its highs and lows. For me at least it was mostly highs. Undoubtedly helped by the fact that I knew at a fairly young age that parenthood was the path for me. Not to get too heavy into my tragic backstory, but my father was quite the monster. When it came to the lives of my brothers and I; I can’t really point to much that he contributed other than stress and a mean temper. In some ways I’m thankful for my rough upbringing. It led me here, to the person I am now. Which certainly wasn’t hurt by the fact my mother was the counter opposite of my dad. To this day I really don’t know how she did it. All the sacrifices she made, the patience and care she always devoted to her little hellions. I will be forever grateful to her.

I say all of this as grounds as to why I was just a middle schooler when I knew that one day, when the time was right, I wanted a child of my own. A child to love and support, to teach that the world was theirs for the taking. That every dream they held within their beautiful mind could be achieved. I knew my future child would be special. I just could never reasonably foreseen just how special…

“Are you listening, Dad?”

“Mhm,” I replied, slowing the car as a crossing guard guided a group of children across the road. “You want to go to Mr. Dreamy’s house tonight and suck face while his parents are at work.”

I didn’t need to look back to be aware of the massive eye roll Ember sent my way. “Can you please not? I don’t want to ‘suck face’,” She said with a disturbed shiver. “Chad and I are partners in biology and have a project to finish.”

“Sure it’s not anatomy?”

Lowering her voice to a growl, “I swear to god almighty, Dad…” She threatened as I giggled internally at her unintended irony of invoking the lord’s name.

“Okay, okay. I’ll stop,” I replied, raising my hands in surrender. “It’s fine if you go over to his house. Just remember…”

“Yeah I know, be home by dark,” Ember sighed. “Not that I understand that rule anymore now than I ever have.  You do realize that I am probably the only person in my class, nay, in the history of children and teens to never get to spend the night at someone else’s house.”

“Somehow I highly doubt that is true.”

“Maybe not, but still… It would be nice to for once be apart of things like that.”

Sighing softly, I pulled the car to a stop as we reached the drop off point at Fayetteville high. Putting the car in park I turned back to her, “I know some of things I ask of you, some of my rules, don’t seem fair. But, there are just things you don’t understand, and it’s my job to protect you.”

“From the overwhelming danger that lurks at every sleep over?” Ember watched me intently until I lowered my eyes. Nodding, she opened the car door. “See. Doesn’t make sense.”

As she slammed the door to the Tesla closed, I called out, waving her over to my window.

Holding the straps of her backpack tightly she leaned against the car door, “Yeah?”

“I just wanted to say I love you, Em.” Kissing the crown of her head, I massaged her shoulder firmly. “I hope you know that.”

“I love you too, Dad.”

Nodding, I pulled my hand away and shot her a smile, “Now go kill it today!”

“Always do.” With that she moved quickly toward the worn bricks of Fayetteville High.

As I said, highs and lows. I really did… Wait. The hell?

Narrowing my eyes I watched as a shadowy figure melted through the cracks of the cafeteria building, vanishing within.

“Damn it.” I let out a deep breath as I reached into a duffle bag in the seat next to me. “And here I thought I’d at least get in a cup of coffee before I had to kill anyone today.”

As I parked the car I removed a leather satchel from the duffle bag. Hopping out of the vehicle I slung the satchel over my coat and sprinted toward the school’s office building.


Slowing to a walk I strolled up to the sliding glass behind which the long time secretary, Mrs. Brown, sat. Peering over the ends of her glasses at papers, she pretended to be busy until taking notice of me. It was commonly known she had a thing for a good number of fathers at this school. Both single and off the market. Flashing her my warmest smile I leaned against the counter. While Mrs. Brown’s less than professional statements made me uncomfortable, especially seeing as how I knew her husband personally, I knew my only easy way into the building without having the police called on me was her permitting me to enter.

“Mr. Ryan! What can we do for you today,” She asked in a strangely seductive whisper.

“If I said I just needed your smile to brighten up my day would you believe me?”

Laughing she looked me up and down, and I swear she licked her lips like a hungry lioness, “You are far too nice, Mr. Ryan.”

“We’ve been over this, Lynda. Call me Deagan.”

“Alright then… Deagan,” She emphasized my name as I held my false smile. “So what can I actually do for you today? Besides a smile of course.”

“Oh I just forgot to give Ember something before she headed out this morning,” I replied pointing to the satchel strapped across my chest.

“I see,” She pursed her lips. “Only you could make a man purse look so… flattering.”

“Satchel,” I said firmly, “But yes it does the job. Anyway I was hoping I could catch her before class and give it to her.”

“Of course, I will have to look in it first. Safety procedures and all that.”

Yeah, that probably would not be best. If she saw the contents there was no telling what kind of drama might ensue. There wasn’t time for the explaining that would follow.”

Leaning closer to the window I looked around before lowering my voice, “Being the father of a teenage girl, I completely understand safety; but what Em forgot is a few personal, lady things if you get what I’m saying. For her sake I’d rather not have such items waved about in front of her classmates and teachers if that’s alright.”

Mrs. Brown hesitated a moment, visibly thinking it over before nodding, “I suppose that could be a little embarrassing to someone her age. Alright, it’s not as if you aren’t always here.” Pressing the button, she buzzed the door open. Flashing her a grateful smile I waved goodbye and moved through the door, remaining calm until rounding the corner and beginning my sprint down the hallway.

To the untrained eye, the hallways of Fayetteville High currently looked as they always did; faded paint covered in gum and an array of other mysteries that none of us wanted solved. However, to someone who knew how to see it, there was a web of shadows spreading over the purple and white walls, moving quickly toward the science building. Which of course just happened to be where Ember’s homeroom was held. I had to cut it off before it created an unfortunate scene.

So I guess now’s as good a time as any for a few explanations as to why I’m running down the halls of my daughter’s school, shoving through students and teachers alike, admitting to you I am about to commit a murder. Well, when I said Ember was unintentionally ironic for invoking God’s name, it should be known she was kind of born to be his mortal enemy… That’s right. I’m the father of the Antichrist. Look I know what you’re thinking, ‘I clicked on the wrong parenting blog, I thought this was going to be about a father dealing with a problem child.’ You couldn’t be further from the truth. Ember is actually wonderful. As I said before we have our ups and downs but she really is the best daughter a parent could possibly ask for. Intelligent, strong-willed, and respectful as hell. So overall perfect. Other than the whole incarnation of evil bit… I get that you think I’m crazy, and while that might be up for debate, my claim is not. Let me just rewind a bit and it will all make sense, or at least offer up some explanation.


“What’s wrong my love,” I whispered gently as I lifted a six month old Ember from her crib, holding her tight against my chest as I rubbed her back softly. “It’s okay, little star. Daddy has you.” After a moment of rocking her back and forth she quieted, letting out the cutest yawn as she clenched her fist around my shirt collar. Watching her sleep there, my heart melted. “I wish your mother could see how beautifully you shine, Em…” Kissing her forehead I began to lay her back in the crib when I felt the room suddenly drop by at least forty degrees.

“What on…” I pulled Ember closer as I eyed the rocking chair in the corner that had begun to move seemingly on its own accord. For the record, I am not about this paranormal activity bullshit. I can’t even watch a C grade horror flick without sleeping with the lights on for the next three weeks. So when I say I screamed when I turned to find myself face to face with an ugly ass spawn of hell… I mean I squealed like a terrified piglet.

“Holy mother of Christ!” Bolting from the room I sprinted toward the living room. Ember had begun crying again as the lights in the hallway flickered and the photos lining the walls began to turn slowly over end. Screw this! Making it into the living room I reached for the door handle but it wouldn’t budge. Shaking it violently I tried to calm myself, hushing Ember as she grew more upset. “It’s okay, little star. We’re going to be okay.”

“Okay isn’t exactly what I’d call it,” A sinister voice whispered. As I turned a wicked cackle rose from the corner of the room as a lanky and rotting corpse of a person emerged from the shadows walking slowly toward me.

“Stay back! Or I’ll…” I grabbed the lamp from the tabletop, holding it over my head.

“You’ll what heathen? God won’t hear your prayers. The only significance to which you have claim, is your part in bearing the Antichrist.”

My fear lessened, turning to anger as I looked down at Em and back up at the smiling creature. “You stay away from daughter.”

“Trust me I will kill you and take her if that’s what you’re putting on the line.”

“I guess it is.” Shielding Em I prepared to lash out when the creature let out a violent scream, a hand bursting through its chest, holding its beating heart. The demon looked down as the fist tightened about the heart, crushing it to dust. With a final cry the demon fell to the floor, turning back to shadow as the lights came up, revealing a mountain of a man, hairy as a grizzly with a full beard and chest hair flowing from his open… tunic? As a matter of fact his entire look was nearly stranger than the demon who had just attacked me. Smiling through barred teeth he crossed his massive arms, braided hair falling to the small of his back.

“So you just going to stare at us or are you going to begin thanking us for saving your worthless hide,” A voice growled, but the man’s mouth never moved from the smile he held. He only raised an eyebrow as I continued to stare dumbfounded.

“Did you…”

“Down here, idiot. I swear these mortals, Baldy. They’re all morons.”

Moving my eyes toward the man’s left side I found a black dog staring at me with cold, crystal blue eyes. “That dog…”

“Yeah I talk. Get over both it and dramatically trailing off your statements! And I’m not a dog. I’m Fenrir, immortal wolf and overall awesome god. So you best put some respect on my name.”

Putting my hand over my mouth I kept myself from vomiting as I began to feel light headed. Although it shouldn’t be possible, the dog rolled his eyes at me. “Now he’s going to pass out. Seriously this is the guy Var wants us to help? The girl’s as good as dead.”

“I’m not going to pass out,” I shout back defensively, taking deep breaths. “I just… this is a lot to take in.”

“That it is,” The man replied stepping forward. “Please forgive my friend. As a mutt, manners were never really a trait of his.”

“Why you old arse,” Fenrir growled which brought a giggle from Ember who was staring at him with a wide smile. Both froze, looking at her with suddenly softer eyes as the man moved closer, looking at me and down at her.

“May I,” He asked, gesturing to hold her.

Hesitating a moment, I looked him over cautiously. While this was all completely nuts, I didn’t feel as though he was a threat. After all he had just killed a demon to save us, which meant he could probably kill me with ease and take Em if he really wanted to. Nodding, I passed her over to him carefully as he wrapped his massive paws around her sides, lifting her high, peering into her eyes as he beamed happily. “Well, look at you tiny warrior. There’s no doubt you have a spark of power within you.” Turning to Fenrir he grinned slyly, “Fen, I know how much you love children.”

“I most certainly do not!” Fen froze as Baldur shoved Em in front of his face. Before he could jerk away Ember had reached out both of her hands, holding his furry snout tightly as she giggled happily. Fenrir looked at us all for a moment before letting out a sigh. “Oh fine.” Licking her cheek he watched as she smiled wider, her eyes gleaming with joy. “I still can’t promise I won’t end up having to eat you.”

The man turned and handed Ember back to me, who watched them both happily from the nook in my arms as I felt myself calm finally. “So, if you two can offer any explanation it would be greatly appreciated.”

“You say that, but you still haven’t thanked us for saving you,” Fenrir snarked as the man hushed him.

Turning back to me the man grew serious and gestured to the couch, “How’s about we all take a seat?”

Moving to the center of the room I took a seat in the recliner as they moved to the couch, Fenrir curling up next to the man and looking at me as I internally thought of all the hair he would leave. “I’m not sitting on the floor like some kind of animal so deal with it.”

“Fine,” I sighed as I settled in, letting Ember grasp one of my fingers. She chewed on it playfully as I turned my attention back to my unexpected guest. “So, who the hell are you two and what was that thing?”

“That, was what you people would call a demon,” The man replied.

“What do you mean you people?”

“For Odin’s sake,” Fenrir sighed dramatically. “Calm down you white bread shi…”

“Fen,” the man shouted, rubbing his forehead. “Anyway, that was a demon. As for us, you’ve heard him annoyingly repeat it by now, but this is Fenrir, and I’m Baldur, savior of man.”

“Here we go again,” Fenrir shook his head, snuggling it against his front paws.

“Fenrir and Baldur,” I asked, looking them over in confusion. “Like the Norse gods?”

“Exactly,” Baldur answered cheerfully.

“Right.... So assuming you aren’t just some crazy people and really are gods.”

“Not only did you see us kill a demon, which you’re still welcome for,” Fenrir snorted, “I am a talking dog. I’m supposed to be faking that again how?”

Thinking it over he did have a pretty good point. “Fair enough. So why are you here and why was that demon after my daughter?”

“Still avoiding that thank you, huh,” Fenrir complained as Baldur ignored him and continued.

“Well, I don’t know how to break this to you, but that daughter of yours was marked upon birth by the being Christians refer to as Lucifer.”

A chill shot up my spine as the lamp flickered next to me. “So you’re saying Lucifer…” The lamp flickered again. “... He who shall remain nameless but not copyrighted, marked my daughter to be what? The Antichrist?”

“Now he’s getting it,” Fenrir replied in his only mode, sarcasm.

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

“After what you’ve seen tonight, does anything,” Fenrir asked, staring me down as I looked to Em, brushing the small strands of hair from her face.

“So what happens now,” I replied in earnest, my heart dropping quickly.

“Well that is up to you,” Baldur replied. “Undoubtedly this demon was only the first to sense her power. The closer she gets to sixteen, the stronger the presence of it will become. By then she will be like a walking beacon for Angels and Demons alike.” Also no copyright intended.

I won’t let them take her. Neither side. I don’t care what anyone has decided her fate to be. She’s my daughter, and only she gets to make that choice of who’s she is going to be.”

“We were hoping you would say that,” Baldur smiled at me, leaning back against the couch, extending a hand to pet Fenrir who at first pulled back angrily, before giving in and letting his tail wag happily. “Personally we don’t give a damn about God’s will or Satan’s for that matter. They are just the most recent to benefit from the cycle of higher beings you mortals grant power with your beliefs. I doubt they will be the last.”

“So what do I need to do?”

“It will not be easy, but Fen and I were called to aid you. Your wife, she came from a great bloodline of Viking warriors who adjourn in the halls of Valhalla. So let’s just say we owe such bloodline a debt and will help to defend it. Or at least teach you how to do so.”

“Which means although you seem oblivious to the concept of thanks… be grateful you’ve had powerful women in your mediocre life,” Fenri cut in.

“I am more than happy to have had my wife and to now have my daughter. Whatever it takes,” I looked up at them, tightening my fist against my side, “No matter how many of them come… I won’t let them have her.”

“That’s the spirit,” Baldur belted happily, slapping his knees. “Well then little man, let’s get to training shall we?”

“Easy with the little man, bit.”


Where are you? My eyes moved quickly, taking in every corner of the building as I maintained pace, following the dark webs that were spreading deeper into the heart of the campus. Staying in the walls? Smart. Eventually though you’ll have to make the leap to the next section. Taking a breath I lowered my head, sprinting harder toward the end of the hall, sending the door flying open with a hard kick as I rounded the corner. Gotcha. Surging forward I threw my shoulder into the shade as it emerged from the building, sending it tumbling end over end into the freshly cut grass.

“Do yourself a favor and stay down. The easy way is going to be a hell of lot less painful than if you push me,” I called as the shadow shifted forms, taking a human appearance as it slowly pushed itself up. Shit. I let out a sigh as I took in the sight of him. That red hair cut like a preppy schoolboy, paired with that stupid jean jacket. Stupid, muscles that shouldn’t be on a fifteen year old. My daughter’s first crush was definitely a demon.

“That’s right,” a hiss came from Chad’s mouth as it curled back in a wicked grin, his green eyes submerging into black as he stared at me confidently. “What would your little girl think if you murdered her precious ginger stallion?”

“Oh god,” I held my stomach as I withheld myself from vomiting.”

Chad crossed his arms, glaring at me annoyed as I raised a finger to him, coughing violently. “Please… Please never call yourself that again. I will puke everywhere.”

“How are you the brave warrior who has slaughtered hundreds of demons? You are just another pathetic mortal.”

“Yeah I’ve definitely heard that before,” I straightened my back, wiping my face as I took deep breaths, staring up at the sky, “You really nearly got me with that ginger stallion thing. God I’m going to be sick.”

Again I began coughing as Chad roared at me, fury rising in him, “Listen you insignificant worm. The Antichrist will be mine to offer to Satan. So stay out of the way unless you want your head to be among that offering.”

“I guess at least headless I wouldn’t be able to think of your gross, ugly mug all over my daughters face. It’s just the worst.”

“I will kill you human,” Chad cried out as his fingers shifted and morphed, jagged shadows creating blades that hung from his fingertips.

“That’s about as likely as me letting you anywhere near Ember. You see, I might not be a great warrior,” Reaching into the satchel I removed the object within. “But when it comes to being a father. I’m the best.”

“The hell is that,” Chad replied as I held a skeletal hand, bits of flesh still rotting from the joints.

“Oh this,” I held the hand higher, this time the demon beginning to gag. “This is just a little weapon that comes in handy when killing scum like you.”

“Screw you and your puns.”

Pressing the hand to mine it morphed, fusing with my hand as the flesh and bones turned to liquid iron, burning away my hand and replacing it with metallic bone. Raising my hand to eye level I flexed it open and closed, the sun gleaming off it as it clanked with each movement. Eyeing Chad I beamed at him as he took a nervous step backwards, “How’s about we give you the first hand experience of what this baby can do?”

“Again with the Dad jokes, you fat loser. Fine... Let’s.” Chad shouted back, the two of us preparing to engage when suddenly the door flew open and none other than Ember emerged, trailed by two of her friends, Bethany and Kai.

“Dad,” Em asked with a confused look, glancing at Chad and I as we both hid our hands behind our backs and smiled innocently. By Heimdall’s beard do I have any good luck?

“Hello sweetheart. Fancy seeing you here,”

“This is MY school,” Ember crossed her arms glaring at me suspiciously. “So what exactly are you doing here this time; and why does it feel like you are always lurking around my school?”

Laughing nervously I slowly moved toward Chad, removing the gauntlet as I did, and placing a hand on his shoulder firmly. “Oh I was just running some PTA errands, you know how Mrs. Brown loves taking any excuse to get me up here. On my way I ran into Chadwick here…”

“Please don’t call me that,” He replied, annoyingly in character as I squeezed his shoulder harder.

“Anyway we bumped into each other so I figured it was as good as any time to have a little chat. Just being a dad, you get what I’m saying.”

“Not really,” Ember sighed, rubbing her forehead in frustration, “I don’t know why you’re like this. Please stop harassing my friends. I told you we’re just lab partners, nothing more.”

“Well, for now,” Chad smiled, winking at Ember who blushed heavily. Looking between them I gritted my teeth, flicking my wrist back so that a small knife fell free of it’s holster, and pressing into the small of Chad’s back who winced with pain but did his best to hold his false smile.

“Anyway Darling, you probably should be getting to class,” I urged her but she merely shook her head.

“Oh no, I’m not leaving you alone with him.” Walking toward us she grabbed Chad by the arm who I reluctantly released to her as she pulled him along toward the next building, “C’mon let’s get to homeroom. And Dad… Go home. Like seriously.” As they vanished into the next building Chad turned to me, flashing me a cold smile as his eyes again turned black.

You’re not getting off that easy you little shit. Taking off I began circling the building, looking for a side door with which to cut them off. I had to do this carefully. I obviously couldn’t be seen assaulting what appeared to everyone else as an innocent high schooler. Protecting Em would be a lot harder if I got twenty five to life. Finding an entrance used by Fayetteville’s school janitor, Frank, a nice, elderly German man who despite his humble appearance had one been a world renowned literary professor. In his spare time he could often be found tutoring struggling students and offering the expect experienced worldly wisdom. He definitely did not need to be cleaning toilet seats at a high school, but with his teaching days behind him, I suppose he missed being around the students.

“Sorry about this, Frank,” I muttered before kicking the door as hard as I could, cracking the hinges so I could make my way inside. I felt bad that he would have to spend his afternoon repairing the door, but my daughter was currently in the arms of a demon. This was every dad’s biggest nightmare.

Shoving Tyr’s hand in my pocket, I peered into the hallway. It had begun to empty as the first bell drew ever closer. A few yards from me I could make out Ember’s locker. It was swung open as she put her things away. Leaning against the lockers, a ginger bastard smiled wickedly at her; reaching out and running his hand down her back. I felt my hand instinctively tighten into a fist as I stepped into the hall, doing my best to act casual as I strolled slowly toward them.

“So what do you say let’s get out of here,” Chad asked cooly, flashing Ember a perfect smile.

“Oh yeah,” Ember replied, “Just skip school and do what?”

“There’s a lot of things we might do. I can think of a few you would really enjoy,” the demon said, his voice full of innuendos.

“Aren’t you bold. Well, say I would agree to skip class. What…” Ember shut her locker, a confused look undoubtedly growing on her face, the corners of her mouth twitching in frustration as they had since she was no more than a toddler. Her little boy toy had vanished, and unfortunately for her, I was gonna make sure he wasn’t coming back.


“I demand you let go of me you insolent, swine,” Chaddy boy demanded through muffled shouts as I drug him down side corridors, my hand covering his mouth to keep him from making a ruckus.

“Cool it with that high and mighty attitude. After all you’re the one who got kicked out of heaven, not me.”

Chad scoffed, his red eyes rolling dramatically, “As if they would even let your heathen hide anywhere near heaven’s gate.”

“Well, let’s see how pretentious you are when I send you back to hell,” Bursting through the door I tossed Chad into the lawn outside. Closing the door slowly behind me I watched as he stood, dusting himself off. He was growing angrier every second he was kept from her, his target. My daughter. While sure, pissing off a demon might not be advised as they can be quite irrational and extremely dangerous. However, it did serve an advantage.

Chad’s eyes darted between emerald and blood red, flickering like a dying lightbulb. His pale skin was fractured, dark blood oozing through the cracks. He wreaked of death, dirt swelling beneath his fingertips. He wasn’t in as in control of this form as his was before.

“Tell me something, Emily Rose. Did you create this form or did you possess it? Did you possess my daughter’s crush?”

“Of course I possessed it, idiot. Which provides the problem you haven’t calculated. Can the honorable father of the antichrist kill an innocent for her sake? Will you give in to the darkness you are so determined she can resist?” Chad smiled wickedly at me, his teeth forming into razor sharp points. I had to admit, he created quite the bind here. That is… If I gave a damn about his game.

Slowly at first and then rising in volume, I began to let out a hearty laugh. Chad’s arrogant smile faded as he watched me double over, clutching my sides as I belted my laugh in his direction.

“What is so funny,” He roared, furious as he watched me straighten up and wipe a single tear from my eye.

“You are,” I replied, taking a deep breath, relaxing both my forced laughter and hidden nerves. “Honorable father? Clearly you don’t know a thing about me.”

“God I’m so sick of listening to you, Infirmus, shit.”

“I’ll have you know… Wait… What did you just call me,” I asked, my train of thought a complete and total runaway now. “Is that like, the place sick people get sent to?”

“That’s an infirmary you twat.”

“I don’t know if twat is a PG13 word, but let’s avoid saying it why don’t we,” I scolded, wagging my finger at him before turning back to the pressing matters at hand. “Alright then smart guy, give me the english lesson.”

“It’s latin. I swear the world plummeted into stupidity after the fall of Rome,” Chad sighed, rubbing his forehead. “It means someone lesser, without power. It’s what we refer to you mortals as.”

“Ohhhh,” I exclaimed, “So it’s like muggle from Harry Potter?”

“From what?”

“It’s this book and movie series my daughter loves. You know the one where even in America everyone is still super British because J.K. Rowling hates us? Honestly, the stories aren’t really my cup of tea but… Actually that’s a lie. I love them so much, I just don’t want to admit my daughter was right when she said I would love them.”

“Will you just shut up already!” Chad roared, bits of smog drifting from his open jaw.

“Alright….,” I said, slowly removing the hand of Tyr from my pocket, pressing it against my hand. I did my best to not so much as wince as the bronze grafted itself to my bones. “Let’s get back to the me, beating the hell out of you,”

“Enough with the puns,” he screamed as I drew my fist back, covering the ground between us before he could so much as step back in panic. Throwing all my force into the punch I struck him in the chest, feeling the bones there compress as I tried my best to punch straight through him. The impact sent him soaring through the air, colliding with the brick frame of a nearby building. The air itself vibrate around me, the earth trembling with the blow as he hit the ground, dust and brick falling about him. “Where’s all that infirmus swine, bullshit now, Chadwick?”

“I told you not to call me that…” Muttering through gritted teeth, Chad began to rise, picking himself up slowly. It was my turn to have the cocky smirk wiped from my face as I looked him over; seeing not so much as a scratch on him. Oh shit. That was the last thought I had before being hurled straight through the cafeteria wall.

My ribs. I think he broke at least two of them. God that hurts.

I rolled around the tile floor of the cafeteria pathetically as Chad stepped through the me sized hole in the hall, his face ablaze with anger and bloodlust.

“I tried to do this cleanly. All I needed was the girl,” He spoke softly, but coldly as he stalked toward me; a shadowy blade forming in his extended hand. “But you human… You have really pissed me off. I hope in all that training, your little gods taught you how to die.” Reaching down he grabbed me by the back the hair, pulling me upright so I was face to face with what was now entirely a demonic, ugly mug.

“Nah, we skipped that day of basics. They did teach me something very useful though.”

“And what is that,” Chad hissed, his disgusting snake tongue flicking toward me.

My reply came in the form of driving my gauntlet in the center of his throat. Chad stumbled backward, gasping for air as his windpipes temporarily collapsed.

“They taught me that when you have a kill shot, don’t blow it with monologue and pointless threats,” I shouted as I moved in on him, unleashing a relentless barrage of strikes as I targeted every weak point on his body. My blows were strong and precise, but not deadly. I knew that in this state, Chad’s body could take more damage without lasting harm; but if I wasn’t careful I could but the real Chad’s life at risk. Wait for it. Wait… There!

I could see a light forming in the demon’s chest. Just a few more blows and I would be through his defenses. I drew back for another blow, but unfortunately my foe finally decided to recover. Grabbing me by the wrist he twisted his body, lifting me skyward before pile driving me straight into the ground.

“Son of a b….” My words cut off as a massive hand wrapped itself around my throat, raising me above the marble floor as red eyes stared at me. “Hi,” I choked as I attempted to pull his hand free.

“You have annoyed me for the last time.” Again summoning his blade he pulled back, readying to end my all too brief life.

Looking down at the break in his chest I gasped in the best breath I could. Here goes… With all the strength I could muster I pressed my feet into his chest and pushed off, swinging my body backwards. He held his grip, his claw like nails tearing into my flesh as I rocked backwards. All too late he realize that his attempts to keep me from escaping, sealed his failure. My momentum carried me back toward him as I kicked his chest as hard as I could. Light burst into the cafeteria as he let out a scream.

I hit the floor with a heavy thud as Chad reeled backwards. His voice wavered from human to high pitched screeches. “Stay back! This changes nothing! Kill me, and the boy dies too. God won’t grant you the authority to exorcise him from me!”

No, he won’t,” I replied calmly. “But who says I need it?’

Chad’s eyes grew wide as I shoved the hand of Tyr deep into his chest. “This weapon is blessed by the old gods. As such your methods don’t mean a goddamn thing to me.” The demon looked up at me, terror in his eyes as I gave him a wink before tearing his very soul from the boy who fell to the floor. Holding the soul in my hand I summoned all the power from the gauntlet, crushing the life from the demon.

The room went dark, bits of fire and ash falling from my empty hand as I stood alone in the center of the room. I breathed a sigh of relief as Chad began to breathe softly. He would be alright. Just a bit sore from an ass kicking he wouldn’t remember. Speaking of which…

I raised my hand to my neck, my skin instantly stinging with pain as blood dripped onto the collar of my shirt. I was covered in bruises, bleeding, and felt like I had been hit by a train but I was alright. More importantly Ember was safe.

This was my life. My purpose had always been to be a father, and I was going to do my best to give my daughter every opportunity to decide for herself who she was gonna be. Whoever came, however many… I wouldn’t let them take her.

Groaning in pain, I made my way out into the lawn, taking a breath of fresh air as I gathered my satchel. “I think it’s high time to get that cup of coffee. I could really…” I fell silent as I caught a glimpse of a shadow slithering along the edges of the building. Letting out a sigh I reached into my satchel, pressing the hand against my own as I tightened my grip. “Well then… Guess we get to have some more fun.”
